February 19, 2008

Things that make u Relax!!

Got bored in work? Need some relax when working with some read? Here I wanna help you by giving you some ebooks and (new) songs FREELY!
  • Harry Potter (full edition)!
  • Harry Potter (the last edition-in Indonesian)
  • Reader’s Digest February 2008
  • How to Make Origami Airplanes that Fly!
  • MP3:
           Chris Brown – With You
           Rihanna and NeYo – Hate That I Love You
           Mary J. Blige- Just Fine
           Blake Lewis - Break Anotha
           Abhijeet Sawant – Junoon (hahaha..)
           Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again
           Taylor Swift’s songs (u should try!)
           Rihanna ft. Chris Brown - Umbrella (Remix)
           Emmy Rossum - Slow Me Down
           paramore- Misery Business
           Yael Naim - New Soul

The account is free.ebook08@gmail.com and password is download
Enjoy them here!!

February 12, 2008

ZOMBIE: Watchout!

It’s not about Resident Evil or any other things related to a cannibal monster, zombie! But, it’s all about a computer thread called zombie that currently really harm many computer users.

Zombie can be categorized as a malware that infect a computer done by a hacker remotely. Many cases found that the “zombie” program infiltrate from the connection of the computer through the internet. Hackers often input this zombie to a interesting offer by an email, spa, advertisement, etc. And then it forces users to access it and then the “zombie” is born!!

Actually, the effect is not making a big deal because there only cause a little harm for the user’s computer, a strange change that is not realized by user. What happen next is the computer is degraded and then the resources are being lost that the computer can’t work well as previous.

So, “What should I do??!!” appears then for this case, and you may follow steps below in preventing from zombie:

  • Install anti-spyware to monitor your activity in the network connection.
  • Install anti-virus!! Whatever it is, install it and keep it updated regularly!
  • Firewall! Activate it to prevent unauthorized data flow to your computer.

Keep your computer safe and enjoy your activities!!

Convert Your File Online

Nowadays, there are such large numbers of file format generated by IT industries. Every provider may have laid down a different file format from their product. These tendencies sometimes may take us into a confusing hole whenever the tools that we have currently can’t match to the desired file that we need.

For instance, recently, Microsoft just released a new Microsoft Office package that by default it produces a different file format compared with the previous package. For the one who doesn’t have the correct program to open the file they got from outside may have a big problem because the license is also a big deal for many users.

Regarding to this, you just don’t have to worry because there are many online converters in the web that can serve you for converting your unexpected file to the correct file matched with your program. Here are some webs that may be references for you:

So, enjoy your access!!

(Taken from pcplus feb ’08)

February 5, 2008

Mempercepat Pemanggilan Program di Windows XP

Kadangkala saat kita menjalankan sebuah program, perlu beberapa waktu untuk menunggu program tersebut siap untuk dijalankan. Hal ini tentunya selain menguji kesabaran juga menghambat pekerjaan apalagi jika kita butuh menggunakannya secepatnya. Kita dapat mempercepatnya dengan melakukan beberapa perubahan di setting Windows. Cara kerjanya Windows bisa diatur agar menjalankan informasi-informasi penting dari beberapa program agar bisa dijalankan lebih cepat dengan merubah banyaknya proses kerja dari suatu program yang disebut dengan Prefetcher.

1. Jalankan regedit.
2. Masuk ke key berikut: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management / PrefetchParameters".
3. Ketika Anda klik PrefetchParameters, editor bagian kanan akan menunjukkan nilainya.
4. Double click pada Enable Prefetcher dan rubah nilai datanya ke 5 (dalam desimal, jangan heksadesimal).
5. Klik OK dan tutup regedit. (cnet/cax)

Got from Kapanlagi.com